Free market And The philosophy of Hunger

Over 2400 hundred years ago, Socrates, through his most famous student Plato, said that free market is a weapon of war. Napoleon Bonaparte, a leader in the field of war too, is reported to have said that his army walks on its belly. The current state of global agriculture where powerful countries subsidizes it farmers then floods the markets of less prosperous countries with cheap foods, which ultimately sabotages the local farmers is an example giving credence to the two truisms stated above.

The concept of free market is being used to wage war against Kenyans. Last year was corn, this year it was wheat and milk. What will be next? How can people act as though they are free when they are giving away everything for free? I often ask, why does the powerful cabal act like they care about the poor masses? Okay, I am just being colloquial in my thinking. The correct way to put it is why do the oppressed masses believe the lies of their oppressors and the gods of their oppressors?

Plato gives us an indication that the issue of justifying oppression to the masses is as old as dirt. In Plato's longest dialogue, The Republic, the issue of keeping the socially lower-ranked soldiers from stealing gold from the ruling class was discussed. The solution suggested was that the soldiers should be indoctrinated with the idea that the best gold anywhere was the spiritual gold. That spiritual gold is stored in heaven and it all belongs to the soldiers.

Those with the superior gold were barred from owning the inferior gold on earth. It mostly worked. There were many wars in Greece, but none against the wealthy class with a view evening things a bit. The root of the problems we are having in Kenya and the world today is one of justice, sustainability and power. Food is the best tool to conduct that tripartite war. Look for more wars while we eat ourselves into extinction.

Paulo Freire in the book The Pedagogy of the Oppressed was correct in clearing stating that to be human is to be free. These people are bent of making us inhuman. Hunger is the ultimate weapon either way you look at it.