No Elections without justice

The next week might turn out to be the most pivotal week since the Second European War. That was probably the last time so much blood was spilled for no reason other that hatred and ignorance. Whatever the outcome of the U.S presidential elections will be, one thing is for sure. The lies of a democratic state are coming to a head. The hypocrisy of justice and liberty will be laid bare. Oligarchy is what America has been trending towards. A presidential election between to oligarchs is a sham elections. What will be at the ballot is if the sham system has any fire power left. The decision will be made on the backs of the most vulnerable.

There is palpable pain and agony from those whose children have been put in cages; those who are descendants of enslaved Africans who have long been waiting to be full citizens and to enjoy some benefits from the labor of their forefathers; those shot by police while unarmed; those who have lost their jobs because of government policy that favors corporations that are downsizing to increase capital; those who are facing violence as they cross borders illegally after loosing their markets to subsidized American agriculturalproducts; those drowning in oceans and seas escaping failed countries that have instituted World Bank policies that cripple the local economies; those illegal immigrants picking our food but have no gainful employment or job security due to government policy, those who have lost their businesses to looting, mounting debt and regressive taxes that allows supposed billionaire to get away with paying only $750 in taxes.

Karl Marx started his seminal work, The Communist Manifesto, with the observation that the history of all societies is one of class struggle. Yet there is a lot to said about the person he considered his number one hero: general Spartacus. Spartacus was the most famous general who led a slave rebellion against Rome and its slave economy. He won 9 battles against General Cassius and Pompey. On his last stand, when he realized that he was about to lose, he ordered his horse killed so that he could in the same rank with everybody else. His main focus shifted to laying his hands on General Crassus and General Pompeii in order to fight them one on one.

That was then. Now we all need to get on horses and fight for justice and against exploitation and ignorance. Democracy as we have it today has failed so many. The Democrats failed the country and that gave the Republicans an opening they exploited. The Republicans were especially unified in their fight against Obama. That was all any keen observer needed to see. President Obama wasn't radical in any major way but still that wasn't good enough for the Republicans.

The hate we are seeing has deep roots. It has been postponed for years. The final day for dealing with the long delayed issues is now at hand. Electing someone to continue with the same unjust system that has caused all the divisions won't solve the problem. If we don't do what is fair, unlike general Spartacus, we should spare the horse and go for each other’s throats. If we can live justly, we will just perish.

Injustice is a major cause of war and division. This arc of history is being bent towards illegitimate power. Those with power will use hate, color, sex and finally ideology to manipulate those without power so as to perpetuate the same o sameo. Don't fall for tricks. We are all finally at our own Mt. Vesuvius where Sparticus started his war.