When I learned more about the Potato Famine of 1845 in Ireland, it made think about the history of my village and the South American tuber. The story of how the tuber left those shores and found its way to Europe is a story drenched in blood.
The first conquistadors came with a double edged sword of conversation of the indigenous people, along with their lands and culture into servants of the Vatican and the European nations that staked claims to various parts of that region. The other side of the sword was geared towards the accumulation of silver and gold.
I can make the case that the handle of that sword was food. Many types of food found their way back into Europe and eventually to the rest of the world. Many things have changed ever since but the destructive spirit in which the food exchange seems to haunt the global food system. Some of the foods that the various came from South America from the Incas and the Aztecs are major contributors of Climate Change. Amongst those crops are corn and potatoes.
Much has been written about the impact of corn on the global climate on one hand and on the climate of our health. To raise two of the primary issues with corn, consider the fact the corn is amongst three of the top GMO crops. That means that more Roundup and other pesticides is used on corn that almost any other crop. Secondly, the issue of diabetes due to consumption of cheap calories and sugar made from corn is a major global health problem.
How do potatoes fair in the above ranking? The answer is a bit complex. What I can say is that the potato has made more people French than the number of French people in the world. French fries and their arc enemies , Chips (as fries are known in regions formerly colonized by Britain) are almost as ubiquitous as corn.
The growing of 3 types of potatoes caused a famine in Ireland which led to the death of over 1 million people, followinga potato blight. Bolivia was faced by the same potato blight but with over 500 types of potatoes, the didn't experience any famine.
These two common foods acquired unjustly might be inflicting revenge? Food justice is real and it has no statute of limitation.