North Carolina has been extremely kind to me in many ways. I have many kind folks and a few friends that have become part of my life. The truth of the matter is one of capitalism's byproducts is broken relationships. In others words, the god of capitalism is a jealous god and desires that all attention be reserved for its sake. That makes it both expensive and laborious to invest and sustain meaningful, soulful and nurturing relationships. Yet there are many that one can find refuge from the wounds of modern day stress and pressure. Godi's garden and compound is one such places. I was very impressed by his garden full of bounty. I enjoyed fresh blueberries, Blackberries and a nice walk in the garden while Godi fixed my car in his garage.
Godi and I have shared a lot over the year. I have seeds in Kenya that started their journey in Congo, found temporarily refuge in North Carolina, then found their way to Kenya at the Food Literacy and Sustainability center. We have built a tiny house together at Sparkroot and spoken at numerous events together.
It is for that reason that I celebrate a serious friend who adds gumption to my work. That memorable moment was captured by my son both on camera but more importantly in his mind.
The photo taken is reminiscent of images images that are imprinted in the recess of my mind of my father and some of his best friends reasoning together under the cool gaze of a shady tree. My dear brother and master craftsman Godi Godar serenaded me with interesting stories that warmed my heart and jostled my brain. In the brotherhood and elderhood, I always find comfort. That comfort is healing in times of turbulence.
It's a pleasure to have such friends on this fantastic voyage called life in Blackness. All while Godi was talking, I was quietly humming Bob Marley's song , Coming in from the Cold. As I left his house, the tune changed to Nakotuminaka, a popular Lingala song. That word means " I ask myself". If you know you know. If you don't and want to know, head to YouTube and know. Please remember the many Godis whose inate beauty is hidden or extinguished for profit as you ponder on the relics of the song