It is with a lot of reluctance that I share this post. I personally like use social media for public things for the most part and especially about food and politics. But it pained ny heart to see so many people, Black and otherwise defending a warlord and dismissively calling others haters. The death of the last queen of England was divisive both in life and death.
Kenyan has been a divided country from the time chief Waiyaki Wa Hinga the first Gìkuyù leader who was murdered by the British after welcoming Ludwig Kraft as a brother. Some people become hostile to the theiving and ungrateful travelors. The cover and true motive of the British had been blown off in the eyes of all. Yet others had felt that it was futile to fight for freedom against the invaders. I am in owe to see how that fear continues to be be normalized in modern day Kenya. The numbers of those who resisted continues to decline and for a period of time in my youth, the history of the resistance was taboo topic both in schools as well as in media. The speaking of African languages in schools was punished beyond 3rd grade.
Here is a photo of my kick-ass father as a prisioner of war in the British gulag in 1951.His story is one of millions of families in colonial Kenya. My father helped organize the other prisoners to agitate against the use of food as a political tool. He had quickly recognized the nefarious plot by the British to use food to both dehumanize as well as demoralize those inclined towards revolutionary action.
This was done by feeding the prisioners like animals, without dignity. The pucket which the inmates used as a toilet was rainsed and then used to provide drinking water.
Since the prisoners would be so thirsty given the artificial scarcity of water, the bucket would be laced with feces at the edges to discouraged the prisoners from touching the bucket. That meant that the prisoners had to bend down and drink the water from the bucket like dogs, all while smelling feces. They were too insignificant to deserve clean water and cups.
My father was a great cook, owned a restaurant and a lover of food. He was food literate and understood the connection between food and Heath.
I can only imagine the damage to his personhood to have been that traumatized by
When I hear people calling others haters because of the utter disgust at the crimes of the British monarchy, I know ignorance is real. It would be a great dishonor to the pains my family and people are still going through today due to the actions dating back over 70 years.
There are many who suffered but who know that forgetting is suicidal.