You might think that this is a joke but I can tell you what my research indicates. Organic pastured lamb like the one you see here is becoming more and more rare. This particular one has to be shipped here all the way from New Zealand. As more and more land in the world is consumed by toxic GMO crops that use over twenty billion liters of glyphosate and tons of chemical fertilizers, the space available for growing healthy meat will continue to be squeezed into a rare commodity.
I don’t need to tell you what that will do to the price of pastured organic meats. The outcome is not only quite predictable but has been played out numerous times in the past and in nature.
The perfect example was the introduction of Indian cows in Africa, first in Eritrea by the Italians and later in Kenya. The Italians were implementing the agreement made at the Berlin Conference to colonize Africa.
Those Indian cows had been exposed to rinderpest virus and had developed a resistance to it. The African cows and the wild animals with hooves, otherwise known as ungulates were immediately ravaged by terrible disease. So many buffalos, wildebeest and zebras died that the lions started starving and eating humans instead.
All the famous tales you hear of Africans and their Indians counterparts who were building the Nairobi Mombasa railway were part of this tragic experiment that brought rinderpest to the continent. Many tacks of land were abandoned as people migrated to area that were further away from the man eaters. These abandoned tracks of land are part of what become the national parks in East Africa. There was a major famine that occurred around the same time. Many Africans starved as the animals had died and others could not farm due to fear of the Man Eaters. The decline in ungulates caused the growth of thick bushes that promoted the proliferation of tsetse flies in areas that had been free of tsetse flies. Africans started suffering from sleeping sickness.
The irony of it is that the fiat tourism scam that is touted as a major source of foreign currency for those countries is heavily dominated by the citizens of the same countries that brought both the rinderpest as the latest human virus in the form of seeds and chemicals that are the current “man eaters”.
Before you rush to feel sorry for the “poor black cursed race” just remember that the whole colonial enterprise by the British was first perfect in Ireland. While there were no man eaters or rinderpest in Ireland there was a close example in the potato famine just 50 years before the rinderpest saga. The potato famine was so bad, obviously aggravated by the British Colonialism, that the Irish became man-eaters them in the form cannibalism. The only recoursefor the Irish was to migrate from Ireland in droves. The family of the late president JF Kennedy was part of those migrants. Millions of Africans affected by the rinderpest virus couldn’t migrate to U.S or other parts of Europe like the Irish. Funny enough, Barack Obama was elected as president 45 years after the death of JF Kennedy.
Unlike the Irish who migrated elsewhere, we are facing a modern crisis that we cannot runaway from. The famine and rinderpest conditions have been replaced with more modern money making merchandise in the form of toxic chemicals and toxic seeds that is turning the food system in “man eater”. Laws are being passed to make it illegal to save and exchange seeds. In Kenya, there are talks of a bill to will criminalize the use of cow manure to grow one’s food. Here is “food Berlin Conference” geared towards the colonization of what I call “just food”. Our food system appears as though it is infected by tsetse flies and hence suffering from sleeping disease or shall we say sleeping nutrition? This type of food is so good at putting us to sleep that the whole world has developed a strange disease that has put us to sleep maybe we can call this disease “Naptitude”.